Recap: BNA Meet the Candidates Forum

The BNA Candidates Forum was held on September 27, 2023, with a full house of engaged residents and voters demonstrating their commitment to participating in the democratic process. The Candidates present were Christi Tasker, Commissioner Sabina Covo, Eddy Leal, Damian Pardo, and James Torres, each eager to present their ideas to the community. Moderated by the esteemed Paul Savage representing the Miami-Dade Bar Association and Rick Madan President of the BNA. .

We are thankful for our event sponsor, Crescent Heights, who made this event possible. Their commitment to civic engagement and community-building truly shined through, and we appreciate their ongoing support.

Throughout the evening, the candidates demonstrated their passion, knowledge, and commitment to positively impacting our neighborhood. The diversity of their ideas and perspectives added depth to the discussions and offered voters a comprehensive understanding of their potential leaders.

The standing-room-only crowd was a testament to the importance of local politics and the engagement of our residents and voters. The participation throughout the forum underscored the desire for an informed electorate and a community that actively participates in shaping its future.

As the event drew close, attendees appreciated the opportunity to hear directly from the candidates and engage in meaningful conversations and a Q&A session. Residents engaged with the Candidates, actively expressing their concerns and aspirations regarding the issues that affect our community. The discussions created a  lively atmosphere, underscoring the importance of community involvement in shaping our collective future.

A special thanks to all the candidates who participated, the moderators, the host Paraiso Bayviews, and Crescent Heights for their support. We reaffirm our commitment to creating a thriving, inclusive, and informed community by coming together and actively participating in events like these..

Let us continue to build a bright future for our neighborhood by staying informed, participating actively, and casting our votes wisely. Who earned your vote?


Own Your Block: November 11, 2023


Celebrating the Success of 'Own Your Block'